Saturday, September 27, 2014

Our story

My husband and I have recently been married. We met at Snow College in the fall semester. He was my next door neighbor and I wanted nothing to really do with him till one night that I had to teach a friend of mine how to dance out in our parking lot. While I was doing this I saw him peaking through the door to see what we were up to. So I made him come out and learn as well. It got late and my friend left, but Braden didn't so we kept dancing until we realized it was 2 in the morning, so we said our goodbyes and started off to bed. Till all of the sudden he pops up and says would you like to see family pictures of a trip he had recently been on. So i said yes why not. So we stayed up until 6:00 am talking about family and why he was even interested in a girl like me. So with the confusion of what to do and realizing we both had eight thirty classes we finally said our good-nights and went to bed.  The next day we were exhausted and I was a little confused to what to think about all of our adventure the night before. So I decided to see what would happen between us and low and behold we ended up getting married. We were sealed for all time and eternity in the Brigham City Temple. We are both so grateful to have one another even through all the hard times. Right now we are both going to school and I am working while he is studying to become a Physicians assistant someday. So that is our stories beginning and i'm sure there is still much more to come.